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Dinar Speculation Future
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Rumor mongering

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Rumor mongering Empty Rumor mongering

Post  Ideadude Fri May 04, 2012 10:46 am

We see new rumors all the time. We have even heard from individuals whose brother, father etc supposedly have some connection in Iraq.

Just keep in mind that until you see it on the Forex or at the bank its not real. Most of the gurus are selling something. One that I follow sells a membership and has been raking in the dough with promises of a better payout for literally years. Most of them also affiliate with a dinar sales place. Be careful not to catch the fever that they are trying to spread. Invest wisely with a long term outlook not a get rich quick attitude. Hang in there people our day is coming.


Posts : 32
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Join date : 2011-10-02

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